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Избранная библиография

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Adams A., Childe Hassam, 1938.

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Amory M. В., Domestic and Artistic Life of John Singleton Copley, Boston, 1882.

Art as a Function of Government, Supervisors Association of Federal Art Projects, 1937.

Artists of the Philadelphia Press, Philadelphia Museum, Bulletin, vol. 41. November, 1945.

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Barker V., A Critical Introduction to American Painting. (Whitney Museum of American Art), N. Y., 1931.

Barker V., American Painting, History and Interpretation, N. Y., 1950.

Baron H. (introduction), Anton Refregier. (American Contemporary Art Gallery, Catalogue), 1942.

Baron H. (introduction), Gropper, 1938.

Ваrr A., Jr., Masters of Modern Art. (The Museum of Modern Art in New York), N. Y., 1955.

Ваrr А. Н., Painting and Sculpture in the United States. (Trois siecles d'art aux Etats-Unis. Exposition au Musee du Jeu de paume, Catalogue), Paris, 1938.

Вaur J. I. H., American Painting in the Nineteenth Century: Main Trends and Movements, N. Y., 1953.

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Вaur J. I. H., Catalogue of an Exhibition of Drawings and Paintings by William Sidney Mount, Brooklyn, 1942.

Baur J. I. H., Charles Burchfield, 1956.

Вaur J. I. H., Leaders of American Impressionism. (Brooklyn Museum, Exhibition, Catalogue), 1937.

Baur J. I. H., Revolution and Tradition in Modern American Art, Cambridge, 1951.

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Benson E. M., John Marin, the Man and His Work, 1935.

Benton T. H., An Artist in America, N. Y., 1937.

Вidd1e E. and Fielding M., The Life and Works of Thomas Sully, Lancaster, Pa., 1921.

Bolton Т., American Book Illustrators, 1938.

Bolton Т., Charles Willson Peale, An Account of His Life and Work. The Art Quarterly, vol. II, № 4, Detroit, 1939.

Воswe11 P., Modern American Painting, N. Y., 1940.

Воswe11 P., Jr., George Bellows, N.Y., 1942.

Воswe11 P., Jr., Varnum Poor, 1941.

Brooks V. W., John Sloan, A Painter's Life, 1955.

Brown M., American Painting from the Armory Show to the Depression, N. Y., 1955.

Bruening M., Maurice Prendergast, N. Y., 1931. Brumme С L., Contemporary American Sculpture, 1948.

Burroughs A., Limners and Likenesses, Three Centuries of American Painting. (Harvard University Press), Cambridge, 1936.

Сahi11 H. and Вarr A. H., Jr., Art in America - A Complete Survey, N. Y., 1939.

Сahi11 H., New Horizons in American Art, 1936.

Gary E. L, George Luks, N. Y., 1931.

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Catalogue of an Exhibition of Portraits by Charles Willson Peale and James Peale and Rembrandt Peale (The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts), Philadelphia, 1923.

Catalogue of the Memorial Exhibition of Portraits by Thomas Sully (The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts), Philadelphia, 1922.

Charteris E., John Sargent, N. Y., 1927.

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Christensen E. 0., The Index of American Design, 1950.

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Du Воis, G. P., William J. Glackens, N. Y., 1931.

Dun1ap W., A History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the U. S. (A new edition, with additions by F. W. Bayley and С. Е. Goodspeed), 3 vols, Boston, 1918.

Eggers G. W., George Bellows,, N. Y., 1931.

Einstein L., Divided Loyalties. Americans in England During the War of Independence, L., 1933.

Eliot A., Three Hundred Years of American Painting, N. Y., 1957.

Exhibition of American Painting, M. H. De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, 1935.

Face of America. The History of Portraiture in the U. S., An Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum, Nov. 1957 - Jan. 1958.

Fifty Contemporary American Artists. An Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Greenwich Gallery, N. Y., 1957.

Finkelstein S., Charles White, Ein Kuenstler Americas. Mit einer Autobiographie des Kuenstlers, Dresden, 1955.

Flexner J. Т., America's Old Masters, First Artists of the New World, N. Y., 1939.

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Flexner J. Т., Gilbert Stuart, 1955.

Flexner J. Т., The Light of Distant Skies, 1760-1835, 1954.

Ford A., Edward Hicks: Painter of the Peaceable Kingdom, 1952.

Frankenstein A. V., After the Hunt: William Harnett and Other American Still Life Painters. 1870-1900, 1953.

Gallatin A. E., Paul Manship, 1917.

Ga1t J., The Life, Studies and Works of Benjamin West, 2 vols, L., 1820.

Garwood D., Artist in Iowa, a Life of Grant Wood, 1944.

Goodrich L., Andrew Wyeth, Art in America, vol. 43, October, 1955.

Goodrich L., Edward Hopper, 1950.

Goodrich L., Max Weber, 1949.

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Goodrich L., Thomas Eakins: His Life and Work, N. Y., 1933.

Goodrich L., Winslow Homer, N. Y., 1945.

Hagen O., The Birth of the American Tradition in Art, N. Y., 1940.

Hartmann S., A History of American Art, vol. 1-2, Boston, 1902 and 1932.

Henri R., The Art Spirit (Compiled by M. Ryerson), Philadelphia and London, 1923; New ed., 1930.

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Hind С L., Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 1908.

Hopper E., John Sloan and the Philadelphians. Arts, vol. 11, April, 1927.

100 American Painters of the 20th Century. Works Selected from the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art., N. Y., 1950.

Hunter W. H., Philip Tilyard, William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 7, July, 1950.

Inness G., Jr., Life, Art and Letters of George Inness, N. Y., 1917.

Isham S., The History of American Painting, New edition, with supplemental chapters by Royal Cortissoz, N. Y., 1936 and 1942.

Janis S., Abstract and Surrealist Art in America, N. Y., 1944.

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Jewell E. A., Alexander Brook, N. Y., 1930.

Kane J., Sky Hooks: Autobiography, 1938.

M. and M. Karolik Collection of American Painting 1815 to 1865 (The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston). With an Introduction by John I. H. Baur, Cambridge, 1949.

Kent R., It's me о Lord. The Autobiography, N. Y., 1955.

Kent R., On Men and Mountains, 1959. Kent R., This Is My Own, 1940.

Kent R. and Zigrosser C., Rockwellkentiana, 1933.

Knowlton H. M., Art-Life of Wlliam Morris Hunt, 1899.

Кооtz S., New Frontiers in American Painting, N. Y., 1943.

Kuhn W., Twenty-Five Years After: The Story of the Armory Show, 1938.

La Farge J., Considerations on Painting, 1896.

La Fо1ette S., Art in America, N. Y. and L., 1929.

Lane J. W., Whistler, N. Y., 1942.

Larkin 0., Art and Life in America, N. Y., 1949 (Fourth Printing, 1957).

Larкin О., Samuel F. B. Morse and American Democratic Art, 1954.

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Laver J., Whistler, N. Y., 1930.

Lee C., Early American Portrait Painters. (Yale University Press), New Haven, 1929.

Lester С. Е., The Artists of America, N. Y. 1846.

Lipman J., American Primitive Painting. (Oxford University Press), N. Y., 1942.

Mс. Intуre R. G., Martin Johnson Heade, 1948.

Mс. Кin1eу Н., John Marin, 1948.

Mс. Kinney R., Thomas Eakins, N. Y., 1942.

Mather F. J., Jr., The American Spirit in Art. (Yale University Press), New Haven, 1929.

Mellquist J., The Emergence of an American Art, N. Y., 1942.

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Morgan J. H., Early American Painters, N. Y., 1942.

Morgan J. H., Gilbert Stuart and His Pupils, N. Y., 1939.

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Morrison H., Louis Sullivan, Prophet of Modern Architecture, 1935.

Moses Anna M. R., Grandma Moses: My Life's History, 1952.

Mount С. Н., John Singer Sargent, 1955.

Murre11 W., History of American Graphic Humor, 2 vols., 1933 and 1938.

Neal J., Observations on American Art. (Pennsylvania State College), Philadelphia, 1943.

Neuhaus E., The History and Ideals of American Art. (Stanford University Press), California, 1931.

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Parker B. N. and Wheeler А. В., John Singleton Copley. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts), Boston, 1938.

Pellegrin L., Ponente N., Americano moderni correnti (Enciclopedia universale dell'arte, I, 1958).

Penne11 Е. R. and J., The Life of James McNeill Whistler, 2 vols, Philadelphia, 1909.

Poor Henry Varnum, Artist Sees Alaska, 1945.

Porter J. A., Modern Negro Art, 1943.

Price F. N., Ryder, 1932.

Rауna1 M., Peinture Moderne, Skira, Geneve, 1953.

Read H. A., New York Realists 1900-1914 (Whitney Museum of American Art), N. Y., 1937.

Read H. A., Robert Henri, N. Y., 1931.

Richardson E. P., The Way of Western Art 1776-1914. (Harvard University Press), Cambridge, 1939.

Richardson E. P., Painting in America, N. Y., 1956.

Rivera D., Portrait of America, 1934.

Robeson P. (introduction), Robert Gwathmey. (American Contemporary Art Gallery, Catalogue), 1946.

Rodman S., Ben Shahn, 1951.

Rodman S., Horace Pippin, 1947.

Roof К. М., The Life and Art of William Merritt Chase, N. Y., 1917.

Rourke С. М., Audubon, N. Y., 1936.

Rоurkе С., Charles Sheeler, Artist in the American Tradition, 1938.

Saint-Gaudens H., The American Artist and His Times, N. Y., 1941.

Saint-Gaudens H., (ed.), The Reminiscences of Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 2 vols, 1913.

Sculpture of to-day. Comm. by Stanley Casson, L.- N. Y., 1939.

Sellers С. С., The Artist of the Revolution: The Early Life of Charles Willson Peale, Hebron, Connecticut, 1939.

Sherman F. F., Albert Pinkham Ryder, N. Y., 1920.

Sherman F. F., Early American Painting, N. Y., 1932.

Sherman F. F., Early American Portraiture, N. Y., 1930.

Sizer Т., The Works of Col. John Trumbull, 1950.

Sloan J., Gist of Art, 1939.

Sоbу J. Т., Ben Shahn, 1947.

Soyer Moses, Autobiographical, 1957.

Sweeney J. J., Alexander Calder (Jr). (Museum of Modern Art, New York), 1943.

Sweet F. A., Sargent, Whistler and Mary Cassatt. (The Art Institute of Chicago), Chicago, 1954.

Sweet F. A., The Hudson River School and the Early American Landscape Tradition. (The Art Institute of Chicago), Chicago, 1945.

Taft L., The History of American Sculpture, New Ed., N. Y., 1930.

The Eight. Brooklyn Museum, Exhibition, Catalogue, 1944.

The One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary Exhibition. The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1955.

The Whitney Museum and its Collection. History, Purpose and Activities, Catalogue of the Collection, N. Y., 1958.

Tucker A., John H. Twachtman, N. Y., 1931.

Tuсkerman H. Т., Book of the Artists. American Artistic Life, N. Y., 1867.

Waern C., John La Farge, Artist and Writer, 1896.

Walker J. and James M., Great American Paintings from Smibert to Bellows, 1729-1924, L.-N. Y.-Toronto, 1943.

Watson F., American Painting Today, Washington, 1939.

Watson F., Mary Cassatt, N. Y., 1932.

Watson F., Winslow Homer, N. Y., 1942.

Weber Max, Essays on Art, 1916.

Weber Max, Primitives, 1926.

Weitenkampf F., American Graphic Art, N. Y., 1924.

Wheeler M. (introduction), Painters and Sculptors of Modern America, N. Y., 1942.

Whitley W. Т., Artists and Their Friends in England 1700-1799, 2 vols, L. and Boston, 1928.

Whitley W. Т., Art in England 1800-1820 (Cambridge University Press). Cambridge (England), 1928.

Whitley W. Т., Art in England 1820-1837. (Camridge University Press), Cambridge (England), 1930.

Whitley W. Т., Gilbert Stuart, Cambridge (England), 1932.

Wight F. S., Charles Sheeler, Art in America, vol. 42, October, 1954.

Wight F. S., Jack Levine. (Boston Institute of Contemporary Art), 1952.

Wingert P. S., The Sculpture of William Zorach, 1938.

Wood Grant, Revolt against the City, 1935.

Wright F. L., Autobiography, New ed., 1943.

Yarrow W. and Bouche L., (ed.), Robert Henri: His Life and Work. S. d.

Zigrosser C., The Artist in America, 1942. (On graphic artists).

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