Список сокращении
ИГАИМК - "Известия Государственной Академии истории материальной культуры", Л.
ИРАИМК - "Известия Российской Академии истории материальной культуры", Л.
А - "L'Anthropologie", Paris.
АА - "Artibus Asiae", Ascona.
AJA - "American Journal of Archaeology", Princeton.
An. - "Antiquity", Cambridge.
Ar. - "Archaeology", New York - Brattleboro.
ASAE - "Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte", Le Caire.
At. - "'Atiqot, Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquites", Jerusalem.
BFAC - "Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts", Cairo University.
BMB - "Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth", Beyrouth.
BMFAB - "Bulletin of Museum of Fine Arts Boston", Boston.
Chr. d'Eg. - "Ghronique d'Egypte", Bruxelles.
JEA - "The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology", London.
IEJ - "Israel Exploration Journal", Jerusalem.
IARCE - Journal of American Research Center of Egypt, Princeton
JESHO - "Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient", Leiden.
JNES - "Journal of Near Eastern Studies", Chicago.
JRAIGBI - "The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland", London.
OS - "Orientalia Suecana", Uppsala.
PEQ -"Palestine Exploration Quarterly", London.
RB - "Revue Biblique", Paris.
S - "Syria", Paris.
WZKM - "Wiener Zeitschrift Für die Kunde des Morgenlandes", Wien.
ZAS - "Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde", Berlin.
ZE - "Zeitschrift für Ethnologie", Berlin.